
This app design case study was taken up as portfolio documentation. It was done as a sprint exercise over 3 days.

YourBank wants to launch Supplementary Digital Cards through its mobile banking app. The aim is to innovatively design the user experience for discovering and creating supplementary digital cards for family members.

Industry: Fintech

Role: User Experience Designer

Tools: Figma

Way forward

Since this was for portfolio documentation, the proposed plan is to demonstrate planning and carrying out the project. The parameters here were immediacy, cognition and overall output.

  • The phase would involve creating a comprehensive list of questions for the target audience and personas and creating a detailed user journey.

  • Here, it was about designing the feature list that would help with prioritisation and in turn assist in the Information Architecture which would eventually inform the user flows.

  • By the end, it was time to start designing the wireframes and Ui ready screens.


The first leg of the research would entail defining the target audience. This would help to recruit people to conduct user interviews to gather some insights from conducting user interviews to understand the primary and secondary target audience.

Primary audience

Secondary audience

Age: 30 - 60 years

Earning members with dependants

Age: 25 - 45 years

Co-dependant earning members

Interview Questionnaire

Personas & User Journey


The most crucial phase between research and design where the preparations for a seamless experience and a smooth output are decided.

Feature listing



After the base research, I created a feature prioritisation list using the MUSCO method taking into account the personas and their goals and frustrations.

Information Architecture

Information Architecture & User Flows




Tawteen - UAE